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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Supporting Pupil Premium Students 


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Pupil Premium Plan

Pupil Premium Strategy    

 Assistant Headteacher: Pupil Premium – Mr M Allott Matt.Allott@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


John Hanson Community School will inspire pupil premium students to ‘Aim High’ and achieve the same success as other students by promoting emotional resilience and academic progress. The school has an ‘Aim High’ approach to ensuring that pupil premium students’ needs are always considered, and that support is personalised to the individual.

The first strand encompasses a first class Teaching and Learning (T&L) strategy that implements proven strategies: including talk-before-writing; timely feedback and dual-coding. There is a clear focus on reading/writing and oracy development in every classroom. The explicit teaching and development of excellent Habits for Learning, and Learning to Learn self-regulation approaches in the classroom is also a key. Home learning is supported through daily KS3 ‘Aim High’ sessions.

The second strand involves targeted academic support for students identified as requiring additional intervention. Strategies are deployed by the classroom teacher (e.g. home learning, scaffolding and modelling) and are complimented by a wider range of academic interventions including subject tutors in English and Maths, subject-specific Teaching Assistants and the deployment of additional adults to support students identified as vulnerable in terms of academic progress and behaviour for learning. We are dedicated to developing the reading fluency and accuracy of all our students, and have made a commitment to this by employing a specialist teacher from the primary sector as a reading proficiency.

The final strand relates to wider strategies which drive the ‘Aim High’ approach to ensure that disadvantaged students have access to the same opportunities- a rigorous attendance system, IT support, career and next steps bespoke packages and an outstanding pastoral system that provides crucial wellbeing and mental health support.