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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Supporting Students with Additional Needs/

                  Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Please click to see:

SENDIASS statutory link:


Assistant Headteacher  Inclusion (SEND) - Mrs C. Ferguson - Charlotte.Ferguson@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


At John Hanson Community School, we are committed to all members of our school community achieving their potential. We are proud to have an inclusive ethos of Inspire. Care. Succeed. that provides flexible support for students with a range of needs. We wish for our students to experience all that the school has to offer, including an enriching curriculum, and exciting trips and extra-curricular activities. We work tirelessly to enable all students to achieve their academic and personal potential through close collaboration between the teaching staff and the learning and pastoral support teams. 

We aim to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment that encourages students to develop confidence, self-esteem and independence. Our ‘John Hanson Principles of Instruction’ are the foundation for effective teaching for all students but particularly those with additional needs, and focus on knowledge acquisition, modelling, independent practise and scaffolding.

 One of our key priorities as a school is tackling reading proficiency- please follow this link for details:

Literacy: Reading and Oracy


Our SEND Team consists of Mrs Ferguson, as Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo, alongside two Deputy SENDCos – Mrs Curtis and Mr Myatt.  Mrs Ferguson is the overall John Hanson SEND lead, however we wish to ensure that students, parents and staff have a consistent SEND point of contact. The year SEND Lead will move up the school with your child and, from September 2024, will be: