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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

Senior Team

Russell Stevens - Headteacher

As Headteacher I have overall responsibility for the school ethos and vision - Inspire, Care, Succeed.

My overarching role is to provide an environment where students feel cared for, where staff have the knowledge and skills to inspire students and where all the hard work that goes on every day leads to success at all levels, for all students, in all year groups all the time.

Rob Earle - Deputy Headteacher

My key strategic responsibilities are Data and Standards and Quality of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning & Outcomes

Within the above I lead on KS4 Progress and Interventions, Reporting and Assessment, External and Internal Examinations and Reporting to Parents whilst supporting staff CPD, Year 9 Options and Timetabling. I line lead English, Maths, Technology, PE and the Year 11 team. 

Anna Hall - Deputy Headteacher

As Deputy Headteacher my role is focused on the Personal Development of our students, the Quality of Teaching in the classroom and the Professional Development of staff.

My Personal Development work is in liaison with Kim Hide and the Heads of Year.  We work together to ensure that all students feel safe in school and are well-prepared for life in the outside world. I am a DDSL, one of the Mental Health Leads and lead on staff well-being. 

Through my staff professional development role I ensure high quality Teaching and Learning occurs across the school.

I teach in the English faculty and I line lead PSHE, Technology and History. 

Kim Hide - Assistant Headteacher


I have responsibility for the pastoral care of our students.

I work closely with the Heads of Year to ensure that the day to day operational management of students is coordinated; that students are able to conduct themselves appropriately whilst feeling safe in their school environment. It is our aim to ensure that all students at John Hanson feel valued, work hard and participate in as many activities as possible, regardless of background or circumstance. Sometimes extra support is required for some of our students, and I work closely with external agencies to ensure they receive the guidance needed to enjoy the success all of our students deserve. I am the schools  Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. I am one of the Mental Health Leads and lead on student well-being.

Karen Page - Business Manager

My role as a member of the Senior Leadership Team includes a broad range of non-teaching management activities, all of which contribute to ensuring the school achieves its aims and goals.

Everything that is not teaching includes all the administrative and logistical aspects of running the school, from being responsible for health and safety, to ensuring that all absent members of teaching staff are replaced on a day to day basis. I also have significant contact with our local community from ensuring that local people can benefit from our facilities when they are not being used by the students to being the named contact for the community should they have any issues with the school.

I also have significant contact with our students, attend many school events and deputise for other team members when required.

 Charlotte Ferguson - Assistant Headteacher

 Charlotte Ferguson- Assistant Headteacher

My inclusion role (SENDCo and Disadvantaged co-lead) involves working with all staff to ensure that we support the members of our school community with additional needs and those who are at risk of educational disadvantage.

I work closely with students, parents/carers and external professionals too to co-ordinate our provision. This work is supported by the dedicated and skilled Learning Support Team; we work closely with the Pastoral team to ensure we meet the needs of students’ educational and personal development. I am a proud member of the English faculty. I am the SLT line lead for Year 9 and Co-lead on reading and oracy.

Matt Allott - Assistant Headteacher

 I am responsible for the Key Stage 3 curriculum, academic progress of high prior attaining students, and school attendance .

 In this role, I ensure that the Key Stage 3 curriculum is both broad and challenging to ensure that students make rapid progress from Year 7 to Year 9 in order they are ready for the challenge of Key Stage 4 and GCSE.   I am the senior leader responsible for monitoring and delivering excellent school attendance.  I am also responsible for the development and improvement of pedagogy for challenge, habits for learning and metacognition across the school and to ensure our high prior attaining students make at least good progress.  Furthermore, I manage the extensive extra-curricular schools trips programme.  I also lead a number of programmes:  the Plus Programme – a programme to support our most able students and the Yellow Pathway – the alternative GCSE curriculum for those students not taking 9 GCSEs.  I am the subject line lead for Geography, Computing and Business Studies, Art and Photography and Year 10.  I also continue to teach in the science department after previously been the Head of Faculty.


Sinead Woodley - Associate Assistant Headteacher 

My main role within the senior leadership team is to monitor and develop the school’s Home Learning policy. I am also responsibly for the delivery of the school’s careers programme..

I support Heads of Faculty as they look to expand and strengthen the home learning provision within their subject. I also promote the use of online learning platforms to help develop students' independence and bridge the gap between school and home. In addition, I work closely with Mrs Hall to deliver the PSHE curriculum. As Careers Lead I work alongside post-16, post-18 and apprenticeship providers to ensure every student receives the guidance and support they need to be fully prepared for their next steps after school at sixteen. 

I also teach in the Computing department, and lead on the John Hanson Habits for learning.  I am the subject line-lead for Computing and RE.