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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed



John Hanson Community School will inspire all students to rise to the opportunities of the future and achieve their potential by promoting emotional resilience, social confidence and academic success.

We promote a set of skills, through our INSPIRE CARE SUCCEED ethos, which grow our young people to rise to future challenges:



John Hanson Community School has a profound belief and deep commitment to the development of the whole student – emotionally, socially and academically.

We will encourage an enthusiasm and love of learning and deliver teaching that both inspires now and encourages life-long learning.  


John Hanson Community School values:

  • Care and Happiness: to make sure every student feels safe and is cared for.  As a result, we are a school where students really enjoy their education.
  • Kindness and Respect: every member of the school community is kind, tolerant and respectful.
  • Community: students, staff, parents and governors are loyal to the school and feel a strong sense of belonging and service to the community.


John Hanson Community School promotes:

  • Achievement:  we have the highest aspirations of learning and expect students to have a strong commitment to their own academic progress and wider development.
  • Opportunity for All: we pride ourselves on offering exciting extra-curricular opportunities to meet the passions of our students – sporting, cultural, academic and social.